Dr. Wu stem cell treatment of ROP, Michelin-Starred therapy in modern Ophthalmic Treatment

Biotherapy, chemotherapy, physiotherapy and comprehensive detection and evaluation, which make a comprehensive treatment of ROP

The retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) can be divided into 5 degrees (I-V). When the fibrogenesis achieved IV-V the patient has severe vision loss and until now there has been no effective method that can deal with it.

Doctors in Wu Medical Center (WMC) have developed effective ROP treatment with stem cells after 15 years clinical treatment.

1. The Biological Stem Cell Treatment:
a) Stem cells can differentiate into retinal vessel endothelial cells, repair the blood vessels and blood capillary, improve the blood supply to the retina tissue, accelerate the retina development and functional improvement.
b) Some secreted nutrients by stem cells (such as adherence factor) can help the detached retina tissue re-adhesion gradually, soften the scar tissue and repair the fibroplasia.
c) The stem cells can improve the retina cells reserve, improve the retina function to fight against the damage or disease and improve the self-restore function of retina tissue. When the patient's blood supply improves it can help retina development again and improve the visual ability.

2. The Chemical and Physical Treatment:
Doctors can design further treatment protocols according to patient visual ability recovery conditions. For example, some cases also have severe macula deficit, the neural stem cells can differentiate into neural photoreceptor cells to support the macula function and improve patient eyesight.

But these kind of treatments should be performed with strict clinical tech support since the patient's own retina tissue has damage or even death already and there is a lot of scar tissue formed. The implanted stem cells cannot work in such a bad pathological environment so the pure stem cell implantation will be invalid in the actual clinical treatment.

3. The Comprehensive Monitoring and Evaluations:
Our experienced doctors;
- evaluate patient eyesight recovery condition
- monitor the stem cells work conditions and patient body condition
- control the treatment effect
- adjust the treatment plan according to the actual clinical conditions

As a result we can see that Dr. Wu's stem cell therapy does not use the laser and cryotherapy or photocoagulation therapy of traditional ophthalmology. In addition to the necessary drugs and rehabilitation therapy, especially the use of the most advanced biological stem cell therapy in the world at present, it complements treatment where the traditional ophthalmology therapy cannot be achieved. For example, the enhancement of local and systemic blood circulation, replacing and nourishing necrotic eye structural cells, it enhances the body's immune ability and improves the internal environment of the body. This is coupled with unique rehabilitation treatment and related indicators of detection and evaluation. The treatment by Dr. Wu of ROP treatment patients from all over the world has built a good reputation and the treatment plan for ROP can be called “Michelin-Starred Therapy in Modern Ophthalmology Treatment.”

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