Mr.Kon-Sequela of Brain Injury-(Russia)

Name: Mr.Kon
Sex: Male
Nationality: Russian
Age: 21Y
Diagnosis: 1. Sequela of brain injury 2. Sinus bradycardia

Before treatment: 
The patient was a full-term normal delivery but he had subarachnoid hemorrhage and hyperbaric hydrocephalus without epileptic seizure. He was also found to have problems with his motor and cognitive functions. He was diagnosed with sequela of brain injury,  did rehabilitation training and went to a special school. After rehabilitation training his motor function was basically normal but he has bad reaction and coordination abilities. At present he has bad intelligence and understanding ability. He can only speak some words but no sentences. His memory, orientation and calculation abilities are bad.
His spirit, diet and sleep are normal. His urination and defecation functions are normal.

Admission PE:
Bp: 119/79 mmHg, Hr: 58/min. Body temperature: 36.5. Height: 167cm weight 74Kg. Patient has normal physical development and nutrition status, there was no skin damage or bleeding spots but congestion of the throat. Chest development is normal, breathing sounds of both lungs are clear with no dry or moist rales. The heart beat is powerful with regular cardiac rhythm and no murmur of the valves. Abdomen was soft with no masses or tenderness, liver and spleen are in the normal position by touch examination. There was no edema of the legs.

Nervous System Examination:
Patient was alert but with some intelligence development delay. He could only understand words repeated many times, did not communicate with others and  could only answer some simple questions with short sentences or simple words. Poor memory includes short, long term and immediate memory. He displayed bad orientation ability and he could not calculate. The bilateral pupils were equal in size and round, diameter of 3.0 mm, react well to light, eyeballs can move freely and he had strabismus occasionally. There was no nystagmus. He could make his tongue extend out as normal, chewing and swallowing abilities were normal. The 4 limbs muscle power was 5 degrees and muscle tone was normal with no muscle atrophy. Abdomen reflex existed, bilateral radial periosteal reflex and biceps reflex could not be induced by examination. The patellar tendon reflex and achilles tendon reflex could not be induced. Bilateral ankle clonus was negative, the palm-jaw reflex, sucking reflex and Hoffmann sign were negative. Bilateral Babinski sign was a doubtful positive. Coordinate movement examination results: finger to nose test, finger opposite movement and fast alternate movement were slow and clumsy, the heel-knee-tibia test was slow, his Romberg's sign was negative.

After the admission he received related examinations and received 3 times nerve regeneration treatment to repair his damaged nerves, replace dead nerves, nourish nerves, regulate his immune system and improve blood circulation. This was done with rehabilitation training.     

After 14 days treatment his coordination ability in physical movement got better and his calculation ability showed slight improvement.


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